Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
LCA is the best way to tangibly measure the environmental impact of our work. Through this assessment, we can give Sebastian Cox products a carbon value, as well as dimensions and a price.
Resources > Environmental Life Cycle Assessment

How it works
Trees are entirely unique in that they actively draw carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere as they grow, locking it out of harms way in the wood that they yield. This counterbalances any carbon dioxide emitted when we use wood to design and make furniture, making wooden furniture and accessories environmentally beneficial objects of design.
Carbon emitted
To calculate the impact of what we do, we measure the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted when we design and make something; including fuel for transport, electricity for our machinery and daily tea breaks. CO2 emissions can be environmentally harmful and we want this figure to be as low as possible.
Carbon sequestered
When trees grow they absorb environmentally harmful CO2 from the atmosphere. They lock this away in the wood which we then use to make furniture. This is called sequestration and varies from one tree species to another. We calculate the amount of CO2 which is sequestered in the wood of our furniture.
Overall carbon impact
By subtracting the CO2 sequestered in the wood of our furniture from the CO2 emitted during its design and manufacture we can determine the environmental impact of our work. By doing so, we intend to evolve and improve the way we work to make sure we’re regenerative designers and makers.
Emerald side table
Carbon sequestered: 17kg
Carbon emitted: 16kg
Resulting carbon footprint: -1kg
(making this piece carbon negative)
Pendean dining table
Carbon sequestered: 51kg
Carbon emitted: 18kg
Resulting carbon footprint: -34kg
(making this piece carbon negative)
Get in touch
If you have any questions, comments or feedback in relation to our work with Life Cycle Assessment, please let us know by contacting studio@sebastiancox.co.uk.